The 7th Framework Programme for Research
B2B LOCO – Baltic to Balkan Network for Logistics Competence (2009-2011)
The revised and expanded concept of the B2B LOCO project was based on successful FP5&6 experiences of the POLLOCO and the CENTRAL LOCO projects. The objective was to build a Network of Logistics Competence and being a platform for an exchange of knowledge, best practices, new technologies and solutions within logistics. B2B LOCO created the way to substantially increase the participation of small and medium enterprises in the Framework Programme projects by demonstrating and actively promoting the most business practice-oriented results of past and current RTD projects.
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships

HiTimber – Sustainable High-Rise Buildings Designed and Constructed in Timber (2017-2020) The project aims to develop a new study module/elective element in sustainable high-rise timber buildings. The project is coordinated by VIA University College. Partners: Southampton Solent University, Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Universidade De Lisboa, Study and Consulting Center, Eesti Puitmajaliit. The project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme.
DigiPrint – Digital Printing and Surface Modification of Flat Surfaces and Textiles (2017–2020)
International Subject „Digital Surface Modification of flat surfaces and textiles“ and an executive training course for specialists in digital printing was created. The Project was coordinated by TTK University of Applied Sciences. The project partners were Saxion University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, The Swedish School of Textiles at the University of Borås, and manufacturing company Trimtex Baltic OY, Estonia. The project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.
SEER – Towards Sustainable and Energy Efficient Real Estate Education and Training (2017-2019)
The project improves and extends readiness to further develop training by anticipating the changes the real estate sector is facing in front of the coming energy revolution. The project was co-funded by the ERASMUS+ program. The coordinator of this project is Kiinko- Real Estate Education, Finland and the partners are AFBB Akademie für Berufliche Bildung GmbH, Germany; EkoFond, Slovakia; NCOI Opleidingen, the Netherlands; Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland; TTK University of Applied Sciences, Estonia.
INSMER – INtegrated SMart Education in Robotics (2016-2019)
The main objective of the project was to develop a solid platform for educating students in the field of robotics corresponding to the new paradigm of Industry 4.0. TTK is participating as a partner beside other partners from Finland, Latvia and Estonia. The project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.
EIN – E-mobility Innovation Network (2015-2017)
The project resulted in developing curricula as well as training materials and courses for electrical vehicle mechanic both for use in vocational education and training and continuing education and training
CNCert – Competitiveness through Engineering CNC EURO vocational certificate (2014-2016)
The project was coordinated by the faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
HAPHE – Harmonizing Approaches of Professional Higher Education in Europe (2012-2014)
LLP Erasmus centralized project
EDUPROF – Educating the new European Professional in the Knowledge Society (2008-2011)
The project was coordinated by coordinated by the UASNet (The Universities of Applied Sciences Network)
ENTRETECH – Integrating Entrepreneurship Studies into the Curricula of Technical Studies
CNC Kompetenzzenter mit der multimedialen Software (2009-2011)
The project was coordinated by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for acquiring and translating CNC-software to establish a CNC-competence centre.
ADOK: Automatisierung and Deutsch im On-Line-Kurs
a project on developing language course for mechanical engineers, a joint project of the Centre of Humanities and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
INCIN – Integration of European Experience for Advanced Education and Training in Clothing Industry (2008-2010)
Erasmus Intensive Programmes

SuReReEnMaHo – Sustainable Refurbishment, Retrofit, Energy Management in Housing (2011-2014)
Erasmus intensive programme at the Faculty of Construction
RenoPassCoDe – Renovation of Residential Multi-Storey Apartment Blocks within Passive House Concept and Design (2012-2014)
Erasmus intensive programme at the Faculty of Construction
BESS – Baltic Entrepreneurial Summerschool (2011-2014)
Erasmus intensive programme involving all faculties
New Materials, Energy and Sustainable Growth (2009-2012)
Passive House (2009-2012)
Low Energy Building Research IP (2009-2012)
INTERREG Baltic Sea Region
SWW – Smart and safe work wear clothing (2016-2019)
The project developed work wear clothing industry in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR), and prepare it to meet competition from new producers and imports from other parts of the world, focusing on mass customisation, integration of IT technology and supply chain management. The project was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
Build PHE Building Professional Higher Education Capacity in Europe (2015-2017)
INTERREG Central Baltic

EDU-RAIL – Harmonised and Modernised Multidisciplinary Railway Education (2015-2018)
The project EDU-RAIL harmonised and modernised railway education through jointly developed regional specialisation modules. The lead partner of the project: TTK University of Applied Sciences (Tallinn, Estonia). Project partners: KRAO (Kouvola, Finland), Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Riga, Latvia), Häme University of Applied Sciences (Hämeenlinna, Finland) and Riga Technical University (Riga, Latvia). The project was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
The results of the project are available through a request to the administrator. Link to the main depository of results:
EDU-SMEs – Curriculum alignment and cross-border cooperation with SMEs (2015-2017)
Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
NordPlus Programme for Nordic and Baltic Countries
NordLand (2013-2020)
The network organised intensive weeks for geodesy students in Lithuania and Estonia Coordinated by Vilnius University of Applied Engineering Sciences. The cooperation started in 2007.
NOBANET – Nordic-Baltic Network for Internationalization of SMEs (2013-2016)
E-NOBANET – E-business models for international SME-s (2016-2017)
NOBANET projects created and widely disseminated new knowledge on successful internationalization of Nordic and Baltic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through close cooperation between higher education institutions (HEIs) and SMEs in all Nordic and Baltic countries. Co-financed by NordPlus.
NordApparel (2012-2013)
NordPlus program network of textile engineering universities and companies in Scandinavia and the Baltics
AluNord Network (2009-2013)
NordPlus IP project at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
NewS – New Strategies for Working Life Collaboration (2014-2016)
The development project aimed to create new strategies for efficient collaboration between working life and educational institutions.
New Materials, Energy and Sustainable Growth (2009-2012)
Passive House (2009-2012)
Low Energy Building Research IP (2009-2012)
Kuopio Circle (2009-2010)
Other Projects
24-hour endeavour project – an intensive project for the logistics students of TTK UAS and Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences for solving the real-life problems of companies (2013).