Study Possibilities for Ukrainian Students - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool

Study Possibilities for Ukrainian Students

Study Possibilities for Ukrainian Students

TTK UAS will create study opportunities for Ukrainian students with Ukrainian citizenship whose studies were interrupted due to the war in their home country.

TTK UAS does not have full degree programmes in English (our language of instruction is Estonian) and all our study programmes are taught at the Bachelor’s level.

TTK UAS offers Ukrainian students who have already been accepted to a university in Ukraine and have been forced to suspend their studies due to Russian aggression in their country, the possibility of enrolling in our studies as visiting students for a semester or two by choosing suitable subjects from the list of subjects we offer each academic year in English. All these subjects are taught at the Bachelor’s level.

Visiting student status is not possible if you are not currently enrolled in university-level studies.

The list of individual subjects offered in English for the 2023/24 academic year can be consulted here.
*Change the language to English on the upper part of the page.

If you are interested in studying at TTK UAS as a visiting student, please contact us by e-mail at (in English).

For enrolment, please submit by e-mail the following documents:
– visiting student registration form
– a copy of your identity document
– a document proving you are currently a university student in Ukraine (e.g. student card or any other)
– a copy of the Estonian residence card (if issued already)

Before enrolment, we need you to present a document called the Background Paper proving your previous education issued by the Estonian ENIC/NARIC centre. Please contact directly the Estonian ENIC/NARIC centre which will issue you a Background Paper on your previous education. Information on how to obtain the Background Paper for refugees is available here.
The contact e-mail for the Estonian ENIC/NARIC Centre is

You can find additional information about study opportunities on the Study in Estonia web page.

You can also contact the Education and Youth Board for more information:

Information on how to apply for Temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens and their family members is available here (in Ukrainian).

For contact and all questions related to relocation to Estonia, we recommend consulting the following webpage: You can find information about the most frequently asked questions there.

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