Bachelor Study Programmes in Estonian - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool

Bachelor Study Programmes in Estonian

Bachelor Study Programmes in Estonian

TTK University of Applied Sciences offers 20 study programmes on Bachelor’s level focusing mainly on engineering fields. The official language of instruction for all the study programmes is Estonian.

Institute of Architecture

Applied Architecture

Applied Architecture curriculum …

… teaches architectural theory in the form of lectures, seminars, exercise classes, independent study and research.

… provides practical skills in workshops and internships.

… includes opportunities to study from practising architects who act as mentors for new students. The mentor helps to deepen the sense of the profession and liaises with the student outside the study programme if necessary.

… offers graduates the opportunity to continue a Master’s degree in architectural design and planning, or to conduct studies and research.

… combines theory and practice. Drawing and painting internships deepen the painting and drawing skills acquired at school, while the observational traineeship is carried out in different European cities each year.  In modeling practice, students create a model of a wooden structure and its architectural character. In the spring semester of the third year, an architect’s internship will take place in an architect’s or architectural office.

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Institute of Civil Engineering

Building Construction

Building Construction curriculum …

… teaches construction technology, building legislation and standards, building materials and their characteristics, building process management, communication and management skills for work, information and communication technologies, design basics, building management and maintenance policies, business foundations, and other building engineers’ needs.

… graduates will be given the first level high education qualification of Civil Engineer in Buildings and Structures (EstQF level 6).

… includes practical information, construction technologies, building physics, economics and management courses, and language learning.

… offers opportunities to develop in practical training, international workshops, and internships. Students can study as exchange students at our partner institutions in Europe or undertake a traineeship abroad.

… combines theoretical knowledge and practical skills so that the graduate would be able to think creatively, work as a manager or continue to study for a Master’s degree in Estonia or abroad.

… guarantees the graduates a specialised job and opportunities for professional development.

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Road Construction

Road Construction curriculum …

… teaches in-depth knowledge of road-building materials and technologies, designing road construction in both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) spaces, and communication and management skills to carry out these projects.

… gives an entry-level qualification to a road engineer career, level 6 (EstQF level 6). After a couple of years of professional experience, the graduate can apply for and receive the top-level qualification of a road engineer, level 6.

… includes not only engineering but also the foundations of entrepreneurship and economics, budgeting, information and communication technologies, knowledge of engineering programmes, construction, and environmental laws, standards and norms, as well as the philosophy of quality management.

… provides knowledge on building supervision, teaches about the principles of maintenance of existing roads.

… combines theory and practice. Graduates can either immediately start working or continue a Master’s degree.

… guarantees graduates a specialised job and opportunities for professional development.

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Construction Geodesy

Construction Geodesy curriculum …

… teaches the use of modern geodetic instruments such as digital levels, GPS receivers and other up-to-date earth measurement technology applications, laser scanning equipment and graphics programs.

… gives an in-depth knowledge of classical and applied geodesy.

… involves a common part of the curriculum for building construction and road construction, thus providing in-depth knowledge to work as a geodesist in a number of fields.

… offers opportunities to gain further knowledge as an exchange student in foreign higher education institutions or to carry out a traineeship abroad at a geodesy company.

… combine closely theory and practice in teaching. The longest traineeship embedded in the curriculum is a four-month engineering practice in a geodesy company.

… provides the graduate with opportunities for professional development in both the public and private sectors and the possibility to continue studies at the Master’s level.

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Facilities Management

Facilities Management curriculum …

… teaches the basics of a modern building as a smart and automated complex with state-of-the-art technology in the provision of high-quality administrative, maintenance and repair services.

… in addition to specific expertise, provides a good knowledge of IT, digitalisation and virtualisation, extensive building engineering skills, the ability to read drawings and knowledge of heating, cooling and ventilation systems.

… includes work in excellent laboratories under the guidance of professionals in the field.

… in addition to more specialised and broader expertise, it also provides team management skills and legal and economic knowledge.

… combines theory with practice, since specific subjects related to real estate maintenance are carried out in cooperation with the Estonian Association for Property Management.

… ensures that the graduate is employed as a qualified and certified specialist in the field of property management.

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Institute of Logistics

Transport and Logistics

Transport and Logistics curriculum …

… teaches to see and understand logistics processes and procedures as a whole.

… provides the knowledge and skills needed to manage logistics operations as well as logistics as a whole.

… includes teaching in an interactive logistics simulation laboratory, unique in the Nordic countries, which allows to play out the processes of a modern supply chain.

… offers the opportunity to carry out research, develop and test logistics, transport, and freight forwarding systems in the same laboratory.

… combines theory with practice in two-way cooperation with the leading logistics companies in Estonia — students do their internships in companies and specialists of the companies teach as guest lecturers at TTK UAS.

… provides the graduate with a professional job open to progression at each of the global economic and trade hubs.

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Transport and Traffic Management

Transport and Traffic Management curriculum …

… teaches to perceive traffic as a whole.

.. provides the graduate with the knowledge and skills needed to work as a mobility engineer.

… includes knowledge of traffic psychology, safety, traffic management, intelligent transport systems, smart roads, vehicle information technology, public transport management, and urban logistics.

… offers the opportunity to carry out research as a member of working groups on mobility studies.

… offers the opportunity to combine work and learning, as the studies of transport and traffic management curriculum are carried out in the form of sessional studies.

… provides graduates with opportunities to find a job as a professional in the private or public sector.

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Purchasing and Procurement Management

Purchasing and Procurement Management …

… teaches to spot problems and find solutions for purchasing and procurement arrangements.

… makes it competitive to enter the labour market, both in the transport and logistics sectors and in other sectors, both as organisers or managers of purchasing and procurement processes.

… includes teaching in a new modern logistics laboratory where students can acquire a systematic knowledge of purchasing and procurement processes, supply chain management, and theoretical knowledge and practical skills in logistics.

… offers the possibility of further learning at a Master’s degree in logistics and supply chain management at universities in Estonia and abroad. Already during your studies, it is possible to study as an exchange student at a university abroad.

… brings together expertise in cooperation with the institutes of the TTK University of Applied Sciences. In addition to theoretical subjects and hands-on experience, traineeships in companies that provide experience in a specific working environment play an important role in learning.

… guarantees graduates professional careers and employment both in the public and private sectors.

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Railway Transportation

Institute of Engineering and Circular Economy

Environmental Technology and Management

Environmental Technology and Management curriculum:

… teaches to understand links in the functioning of nature and to find ways to use it sustainably.

… provides the basic science, engineering and legal knowledge necessary to work in the field of the environment.

… covers knowledge of substance and energy circularity, renewable energy, circular economy, material reuse, water and waste management, and environmental management.

… provides skills in the use of CAD programmes, geoinformatics tools, and national environmental information systems.

… combines theory with practice so that the graduate has a good understanding of the future work and the challenges he will face in the future on a daily basis.

… guarantees that the graduate has the opportunity to develop professionally — to enrol in a Master’s degree programme in Estonia or abroad or take up work in the field of the environment in order to test oneself at work.

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Production and Production Management

Production and Organisation of Production curriculum …

… teaches the methodology for streamlining and improving processes and how to implement them in a modern company. Teaches how to build the company’s information systems; understand which production techniques are needed, what are developments in production techniques and how they can be put into service for the company.

… provides a practical basis in Estonia’s unique Industry 4.0 laboratory, where the production processes of a fully robotised plant can be played out and all real-life situations can be modelled. The laboratory has industrial robots that cooperate with each other and therefore the lab can be set up as a miniature plant.

… includes the use of process simulation software and smart applications, the possibility to perform logistics and supply chain management processes in a fully digital laboratory. In this way, students see how the lessons are actually applied in the world of work. Graduates are familiar with all modern process management methodologies and are able to build the company’s information systems. They are also able to understand what production techniques are needed, what are the trends in production techniques and how they can be put into service for the company.

… is an opportunity for Industry 4.0 to carry out not only teaching but also professional research.

… combines theory with practice, as the teaching process works closely with leading manufacturing companies in Estonia and, where possible, addresses the real problems of companies.

… provides the graduate with work in which self-development and the completion and management of major things go hand in hand.

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Fashion Engineering

Fashion Engineering curriculum …

… teaches sustainability and environmentally ethical principles when planning production and selecting technologies.

… in addition to professional technical skills, it also provides good social skills and an understanding of the fashion industry as a whole.

… comprises two strands of study:

  • Technical design of apparel includes a high proportion of product-oriented subjects such as costume composition, cutting, materials, and technology. This strand of study provides an in-depth knowledge of the design of French curves and the use of computer programs to create models. The knowledge acquired will be applied in practical projects.
  • Textiles technology and product development provides a good knowledge of textiles and sewing. This strand of study has a high proportion of subjects related to product development and its processes, including technological options such as digital printing, textile integration on an ultrasound weld machine, or measurement of textile parameters. The curriculum also includes teaching a number of computer programmes, ranging from design and graphics to production organisation and planning. In specialised subjects, attention has been paid to the coherence of professional knowledge with social and economic competencies.

… offers the opportunity to study as an exchange student in internationally recognised partner higher education institutions.

… combines theory and practice, with a possibility to do traineeships abroad.

… guarantees exciting and challenging work with an international reach.

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Institute of Technology

Automotive Engineering

Automotive Engineering curriculum…

… teaches how to find solutions to problems in the field and to work with modern technical software and information systems.

… gives teamwork skills to participate in project teams, initiate and carry out projects and implement their results.

… includes training at a modern technical centre where future engineers are familiarised with automotive engineering and technical requirements on the best dynamometers and diagnostic stands; in the electrical work laboratory; in the workshop, and in a computer class equipped with design and traffic software.

… offers the opportunity to participate in research, develop an electric car, and successfully participate in the international engineering design competition Formula Student.

… combines theory with practice in the leading companies and institutions of the automotive and traffic sectors in Estonia.

… guarantees that graduates have the opportunity to continue their Master’s degree in Estonia and abroad, with a secure job or both at the same time.

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Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering curriculum …

… teaches to see and understand the electricity sector in its entirety. The topics include electrical engineering, electronics, automation, electrical machinery and appliances, consumer electricity supply, high-voltage technology, industrial electrical equipment and installations, control engineering, and process automation.

… provides a degree in applied higher education and qualification of Electrical Engineer corresponding to EQF level 6. It is possible for the graduates to apply for an A or B certificate of competency, which entitles them to conduct electricity and operation works and to carry out technical inspections.

… includes training in a modern electrical engineering and automation laboratory, which uses the most modern equipment and software for training future electrical engineers.

… offers successful students the opportunity to carry out a traineeship abroad or study as an exchange student at a higher education institution in a European Union country.

… combines theory and practice with workshops in lectures and practice in leading companies (ABB, Eesti Energia, Elering, etc.).

… provides graduates with good job opportunities and the possibility to continue their Master’s degree in Estonia or abroad.

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Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering curriculum …

… teaches the future Mechanical Engineer to partake in the design of new products, find ways to increase production efficiency, organise work and participate in the overall production management of a company.

… provides a thorough knowledge of mechanical engineering technology, machine design, technical measurement, milling, turning, handling of metal cutting machines, fabrication of metal structures, modern welding techniques, computer programming, and teaches the use of design software like CAD and CAM.

… covers transversal knowledge and skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, technology and academic written communication skills.

… offers the opportunity to gain experience by combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills in laboratories equipped with modern technology where technological operations, studies, tests, and preparation of the practical part of the graduation theses are carried out.

… combines closely theory with practice helping to find a job quickly after graduation. Traineeships take place in leading Estonian and European manufacturing and engineering companies. You can carry out a traineeship abroad or study as an exchange student at a higher education institution in a European Union country. After their studies, many graduates pursue a Master’s degree.

… guarantees graduates employment opportunities in any part of the world, as engineering training is similar everywhere, creating opportunities to work in different countries and sectors (manufacturing, robotics, biotechnology, health, transport, etc.).

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Robotics Engineering

Robotics Engineering curriculum …

… teaches a number of interrelated subjects like programming bases, micro-controllers, programming of industrial controllers and robots, and the Internet of Things.

… awards a Bachelor’s degree after 3.5 years of study.

… involves in addition to company practice, also project work, for example, the construction of a robot, in order to obtain the broadest possible picture of the field.

…. offers the possibility to perform in the robotic and automation laboratory the production processes of a fully robotised plant, and simulate real-life situations by including robots and adding new links to the production cycle.

… links future industry leaders and manufacturing engineers with mechanical and electrical engineering students in order to gain a collaborative experience and a broader sense of engineering.

… provides the graduate with the opportunity of professional employment or the possibility to pursue a Master’s degree.

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Institute of Service Economy

Business Administration

Business Administration curriculum…

… includes in-depth knowledge of the economic environment, entrepreneurship, financial accounting, and management.

… educates professionals with in-depth basic knowledge and skills, good analytical and decision-making skills who are able to find solutions to problems and implement them.

… offers the opportunity to specialise in financial or human resources management:

  • students specialising in financial management are taught the ability to plan and analyse a company’s economic and financial activities and to make decisions based on information sources and using appropriate methods;
  • students specialising in human resources management acquire in-depth knowledge and develop skills to manage human resources.

… combines teaching with traineeships where students research solutions to business problems.

… guarantees graduates opportunities to take up jobs in companies, start their own business, or continue their business studies at the Master’s level.

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TTK University of Applied Sciences is the only HEI in Estonia offering a separate higher education curriculum in accounting.

Accounting curriculum …

… teaches extensive general and professional knowledge in financial, tax, and mangerial accounting in order to work as an accounting specialist.

… closely combines theory with practice in companies to support the practical application of the knowledge and skills acquired at school.

… teaches, under the guidance of experienced lecturers, how to be competent accountants, senior accounting officers or financial specialists.

… prepares for work as an entrepreneur or to provide accounting services to others.

… ensures the possibility to build up knowledge and gain international experience as an exchange student in a number recognised partner universities in Europe, for example in Portugal, or to carry out a traineeship abroad.

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Social Work

Social Work Curriculum …

… trains professionals able to promote people’s well-being and contribute to social change at individual, community and society level.

… gives an in-depth knowledge of the welfare system, psychology, counselling and client work, and social policies.

… includes theoretical and practical preparation for work with children and families, the elderly, and people with special needs.

… offers the opportunity to learn from highly experienced lecturers who are also valued professionals in the field.

… combines theory with practice in the learning lab, and one-sixth of teaching is conducted in social welfare institutions and enterprises.

… guarantees graduates employment as a social worker in a municipality or city government, in a social or health institution, in probation services, etc. After graduation, studies may be continued at a Master’s level.

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Information Governance and Information Systems Management

Information Governance and Information Systems Management curriculum …

… provides knowledge of the economic environment and corporate governance, organization of information governance, and information systems management at a level consistent with the requirements of Record and Information Management Coordinator qualification standard Level 6.

… includes knowledge and skills that enable professionals to work in the areas related to the governance and management of information systems, such as information managers, personal assistants, service owners, IT project managers or key users of business information systems.

… enables to harness the knowledge and skills of solving business problems during internships in enterprises and when drawing up the final thesis.

… graduation allows for continuing master’s studies.

Learn more about the curriculum

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