TTK UAS lecturers and students will learn innovation in cooperation with entrepreneurs - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


TTK UAS lecturers and students will learn innovation in cooperation with entrepreneurs

16. August 2021

TTK UAS lecturers and students will learn innovation in cooperation with entrepreneurs

TTK University of Applied Sciences (TTK UAS) is participating in the innovation and entrepreneurship development project InventHEI (InnoVation and ENTerpreneurship in HEIs). The project was launched in July 2021 and its activities contribute to students and staff training in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, development of study modules, organization, and participation in hackathons, conferences, nurturing of student start-ups, development of co-operation with enterprises as well as conducting applied research. Based on the activities project aims to develop several stages of IVAP (Innovation Vision Action Plan).

The project is coordinated by the University of Porto and Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto (Portugal) and project partners are TTK UAS (Estonia), University of Pardubice (Czechia), University of Sheffield (United Kingdom), INOVA+Innovation Services (Belgium), University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Valahia University of Targoviste (Romania). The project’s budget is 1.2 million euros.


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