Erasmus+ ICM - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool

Erasmus+ ICM

Erasmus+ ICM

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) funds student mobility for studies and staff mobility between EU and Non-EU countries. Bilateral agreements are signed centrally with the universities which get funded by the 3-year Erasmus+ICM project.

Partner Institutions

TTK UAS selects Erasmus+ ICM partners based on cooperation requests from TTK UAS’ academic units. Selected partners are included in the general ICM Project application.


All payments will be made by TTK University of Applied Sciences.

Individual support for subsitence

– Incoming staff to TTK UAS 140 EUR per day. 
*20% of income tax will apply according to Estonian tax law;
– Outgoing staff from TTK UAS 180 EUR per day.

– Incoming students to TTK UAS 800 EUR per month;
– Outgoing students from TTK UAS 700 EUR per month.

Travel support

Travel support is calculated with the travel distance calculator

Between  10 – 99 km20 EUR per participant
Between 100 – 499 km180 EUR per participant
Between 500 – 1999 km275 EUR per participant
Between 2000 – 2999 km360 EUR per participant
Between 3000 – 3999 km530 EUR per participant
Between 4000 – 7999 km820 EUR per participant
8000 km and longer1500 EUR per participant

Duration of the Mobilities

  • Student mobilities for semester studies (minimum duration 2 months, up to 5 months)
  • Staff Mobility for Teaching: teaching period 5 days (+ 2 travel days) – minimum of 8 hours of teaching required.
  • Staff Mobility for Training: training period 5 days (+2 travel days) – training events, job shadowing, other (excluding conferences).

Students with Fewer Opportunities

Starting from 2022 projects there is a possibility for incoming students to receive a fewer opportunity top-up for their Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) grant in Estonia. For such top-up the student has to fall under one of the groups mentioned below and has to present a confirmation about it.
The incoming students that have the right for the top-up in Estonia are:
• low-income background/household students (receipients of their national low-income support/grant, but not limited to that)
• students who are parents of minor child/children
• students with a foster care background

To confirm that they fall under one of the categories the student has to fill in a form of Declaration of Honour to confirm the need and right to receive the top-up. The form has to be signed by the student and their sending institution (the higher education institution they are enrolled to in their home/study country) and presented to TTK UAS.

*Currently not applicable for students from Albania and Israel.


Erasmus programme requires all participants to have insurance coverage for health insurance. Health insurance should not only include health coverage during the stay on international mobility, but the coverage should also take into account situations like repatriation or special medical intervention. For non-EU students, this normally means contracting private insurance for their stay.

Liability insurance and accident insurance are recommended for all kinds of mobilities. Liability and accident insurances cover damages caused by the participant or to the participant during their stay abroad. Varying regulation of these insurances is in place in different countries and participants run the risk of not being covered by standard schemes. In addition to the above, insurance against the loss or theft of documents, travel tickets, and luggage is recommended.


Students from outside the EU/EEA whose period of stay in Estonia is under 12 months need to apply for a D-visa at the Estonian embassy before coming to Estonia. Requirements for the D-visa can be found here.

The list of Estonian embassies handling visa applications can be found here.

If you are a non-EU student, who does not need a visa to enter Estonia, you can apply for a long-term D-visa also in Estonia (booking an appointment beforehand online is recommended). However, we strongly advise obtaining a visa before arrival in Estonia even if you can enter Estonia without a visa.

Unfortunately, the holders of D-visa are not eligible to apply for a Temporary Residence Permit. This means that you will not receive an Estonian ID card and you cannot register as a resident of Tallinn.

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