Library in Mõdriku - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool

Library in Mõdriku

Library in Mõdriku

Opening hours



On the last Friday of every month, the library is closed for a clean-up day.
You can return books to the return box.

Register as a user My ESTER – Log in and search for books in the Online Catalogue ESTER.

Raamatukogu Mõdrikul
329 5972

Using the Library


TTK UAS students, lecturers, employees and Erasmus exchange students can register as a library user via web (My ESTER – Log in) or in the library. For online registration are required an Estonian ID-card, Mobile-ID or SmartID.
Identity document is necessary to borrow books and journals.

Loan periods
  • Books on loan for 30 days, possible to renew
  • Books with yellow marking, for library use only
  • Journals on loan for 30 days

You can renew the due dates via My ESTER, in the library, by phone or by e-mail.
Due dates are not renewed and new items are not lent, if the due date has been overrun or the item has been reserved by another user.

Lost/stolen or damaged books

If you have damaged or lost library materials inform library as soon as possible.
You will have to compensate the loss by replacing item with an equivalent item or item suggested by library.


Access only in TTK UAS network. Remote access (Open VPN) is available outside the university computer network too. See the manual in Moodle -> Remote accesss guide to e-resources

Cambridge Core
Cambridge Core is the home of academic content from Cambridge University Press and it brings together full-text articles from peer-reviewed academic journals in engineering, social sciences and the humanities.

In addition to reading e-journals, you can also publish scientific papers free of charge. For international publications, the author must be the corresponding author.

Premium information resources (includes full-text books and journals).
Library recommends collections: Academic Search Ultimate, EBSCO Business Source Ultimate, Regional Business News.
For access from outside the university network ask for username and password from library. 

IEEE Xplore
Digital platform for discovery and access to scientific and technical content published by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and its publishing partners. Access to journal articles, conference proceedings, technical standards on computer science, electrical engineering and electronics and allied fields.

Oxford Academic Journals
The database contains e-journals of science, medicine, social sciences, humanities and natural sciences. You can search on the homepage for relevant information by topic or find important information in a complete list of journals from A to Z.

An overview of the journals is open on the main page of the database: Journals A to Z

ProQuest Ebook Central Academic Complete Collection
Provides authoritative ebooks in a range of subjects from the world’s top publishers.

For access from outside the university network look for the button Request an Account. The account will be verified within one workday.

Sage Journals
A multidisciplinary database that includes international, peer-reviewed journals. Subject areas include business, humanities, social sciences, science, technology and medicine.

The ScienceDirect database contains e-journals in the fields of engineering, natural sciences, medicine, social science and humanities.

You can find out about the areas here:
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Life Sciences
Health Sciences
Social Sciences and Humanities

The multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed information is suitable for all researchers and students all over the world.

Taylor & Francis Online
High-quality peer-reviewed e-journals from leading experts in science, technology, humanities and social sciences. The database includes the latest research as well as research from more than 200 years ago that is still relevant today.


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  • generate in account settings Print in City PIN code;
  • upload PDF file to your print account;
  • purchase some printing credits by clicking on account balance and payment
  • choose settings (Colored or Black and White, one-sided etc);
  • choose printpoint: Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool;
  • to retrieve your prints enter your generated PIN code to printer and press “Prindi kõik” on the display.
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